Blog Archives

Album of the Week: New Religion

New Religion – Crazy Lixx (2010)

The truth of the matter is, I’m a very lazy person. I am far too lazy to take albums that I own on CD and put them onto my iPod. This is a real life struggle for me. You have to like, put the CD in the computer man, and then like wait for it to download, and then dude, the worst part, you have to upload it onto your iPod. Way to much work for me. And don’t even get me started on vinyl man! (I don’t know why that explanation took a weirdCrazy Lixx California surfer stereotype turn. I’m sorry. It just felt right.)

Due to my lack of ambition, if it’s not on Spotify, it’s not on my iPod. I don’t know if other people have noticed this, (or possibly you have and just don’t care nearly as much as I do) but there is no Def Leppard on Spotify. Everybody knows that Def Leppard is my jam. So how the hell am I supposed to listen to Def Leppard when I can’t make a playlist of their music on Spotify? What is my life without High ‘n’ Dry!?!?!

This fact saddens my inner 80‘s party. So being the evidently logical person that I am, I knew I had to turn to something different. I knew there had to be someone I could turn to, to quench my glamish (not a word) sleazy hard rock/metal thirst. Then I thought, well, if we are talking dirty LA Sunset Strip style metal, I should turn no further than Sweden right?

Sweden. Makes total sense right?

Yeah, I didn’t think so at first either.

For those who aren’t aware, there is an amazing group of sleaze metal bands that have come out of Sweden is the past decade. Crashdiet,  Hardcore Superstar and Vains of Jenna, just to name a few, but today we are talking purely about Crazy Lixx. They have released three albums since 2007 (all very solid), but New Religion is my favorite.

It’s just straight forward melodic hard rock, that is insanely catchy. I remember the first time I heard these songs, I was singing along with them as if I had heard them a million times. The choruses are huge. Seriously. Vocally the arrangements scream Def Leppard. It brings a tear of joy to my eyes. Everything from the lyrics down to the riffs is just music you know you will be singing to at the top of your lungs in your car. You will. Don’t deny it.

For those people who haven’t left the 20th century that think, “they just don’t make good music anymore,” you have been proven wrong once again. If it is the classic sound of 1980’s sleazy LA metal that you want, it is what you get with Crazy Lixx.

Favorite Songs: “Blame it On Love”, “My Medicine (R.O.C.K)”, “21 ‘Till I Die”

Album of the Week: Franz Ferdinand

Franz Ferdinand – Franz Ferdinand (2004)

I have a lot of hipster friends on Facebook. (I’m sorry it’s not my fault!) They always like to post music clips in the Facebook statuses. Sometimes I listen to it just to give it a chance but it’s difficult to make it past a few minuets. It’s just not my cup of tea. You know what I’m talking about. The kinda mellow yet depressive music that pretends to be really intelligent and innovative. (Ok I’m stereotyping and judging now. I said I would never do that so let us move on).

One day a few years back someone posted a Franz FerdinandFranz-Ferdinand song. I had heard of them before. I actually even owned one of their albums but had never listened to it. I had just assumed they were one of those bands my hipster school mates listen to so I had no interest (Lesson of the day: judging is bad). The song was “The Dark of the Matinee.” I gave it a listen and didn’t really like it that much at first but I was intrigued. I rummaged through my drawer and found the self titled first album and gave it a listen in my car. I listened to it several times over the course of the week and my mind was changed. At this point I’ve listened to it dozens of times and I would consider it to be a member of my imaginary Favorite 100 Albums of All Time List.

This one album has a lot of different twists and turns. They make it rock a little while still keeping it very mellow. Majority of the songs have a fast upbeat tempo but yet they still remain very mellow. It really is Indie Garage Rock at it’s finest.

Alex Kapranos has an interesting voice. It’s not the most beautiful or the most versatile, but it is unique. The guitars, bass and drums blend well together. It all stands together well to create one really strong song.

I saw them live at a festival about a year ago and they were fantastic. They had an insane amount of energy and they kept the crowd going the entire time. If you ever get a chance to see them I would highly recommend it. I was there with people who didn’t even know any of their songs (Besides their most famous song “Take Me Out” of course, which is on this album) and they still thought it was one of the best bands of the weekend. That says something.

Favorite Songs: “Jacqueline”, “The Dark Of The Matinee”, “This Fire,”

Album of the Week: Bad Company

Bad Company – Bad Company (1974)

What a debut album this was! I love this album so much I bought it on vinyl twice! (Yeah, I don’t understand either)

This is a very relaxing album. I often like to listen to it before I go to sleep. Paul Rodgers has such a soothing voice and a lot of the songs have a slower more relaxed tempo (with the exception of the first track, “Can’t Get Enough of Your Love” and “Movin’ On”). The entire albumBadCompanyBadCompany also flows extremely well. I particularly enjoy “Rock Steady” into “Ready for Love.” Perfect song placement there.

This album is simplicity at its finest. It’s very straight forward rock music that captures the time period in which it was made. When I lie on my floor and listen to this album I feel like I have been transported back to the 1970’s. The songs off this album radiate everything you expect 70’s rock music to be.

This album also has what is probably my personal favorite love song on it, “Ready for Love”. The piano part in the song about half way through (you know the one I’m talking about) kills me every time I hear it. It’s absolutely beautiful.

I will admit that the cover art may not be all that exciting, but it gets the job done. I mention this because once I went into a record store and bought this album. As I was walking out of the store the hipster at the counter (in attempts to make me feel bad?) made a sarcastic remark to me about buying an album with such a boring cover. I just ignored him and kept “Movin’ On” (Yeah I went there).

This is also one of those albums that went for the triple threat. Song: Bad Company. Album: Bad Company Band: Bad Company. Hey, they’re just making sure you know who they are.

Favorite Songs: Ready for Love, Seagull, Bad Company

Fun Fact: It was the first release by the label Swan Songs. This is the label that the band Led Zeppelin created.