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Taryn’s List of Top 50 Favorite Male Movie Characters

Taryn’s List of Top 50 Favorite Male Movie Characters

Disclaimer: Entirely my own opinions, but they might as well be facts because I’m right (Sorry Tony Stark took over my computer for a minuet there). These aren’t necessarily the best acted, I just really like them.


  • Yes I’m giving my list a prologue
  • I put in all the dates and actors because I just wanted to see if I had an even spread of everything. I tried to get a good cover of time because I didn’t want to favor one time period. I ranged from 1933-2009 so I think I got that covered! By doing this I also realize how sad I am because I didn’t need to look up a single year of release on any movie on this list.
  • I also did that to prevent from putting the same actor a million times. I won’t mention who said individuals were.
  • I wish I could insert YouTube clips for all of these. The quotes just aren’t the same.
  • I’m way to into making list

1. Elwood Blues– Blues Brothers(1980)(Dan Aykroyd)

Bet you weren’t expecting that one? 🙂 Seriously to me he is the best character ever. I think you know how much I love this movie, especially the extremely underrated first 5 tumblr_mqt39d5Ud21qe570xo1_500 minutes (not including the extended edition’s super long intro credits because I really didn’t need to see Jake walk through the entire prison), so I won’t even explain myself further.

Best Throw Away Line: “Are there any messages for me on the phone?” (I bet when Dan wrote the movie he probably had zero intention of having that line be funny)

2. Indiana Jones– Raiders of the Lost Ark(1981)(Harrison Ford)

Clearly I like movie characters who wear fedoras. Indy really doesn’t need an explanation. Also, he takes up the most space on my walls therefore it is logical to conclude that he is awesome.

Best Moment: When he shoots the sword guy in Raiders!

3. Captain Jack Sparrow- Pirates of the Caribbean(2003)(Johnny Depp)

When this movie came out on DVD it was the first movie that wasn’t a little kid movie that I was obsessed with. I seriously watched this movie at least once a week every week for months. Twelve year old me completely adored Johnny Depp when I saw this movie.

Best Moment: When he is on the dock in the first movie messing with those two guards.

4. Han Solo– Star Wars(1977)(Harrison Ford)

I love him and he knows it.

Best Line: “Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction but uh…..everything’s perfectly all right now. We’re fine. We’re all fine here now, thank you. tumblr_mvhn30AR9m1qzrax2o1_500How are you?”

5. Marty McFly– Back to the Future(1985)(Michael J Fox)

I have seen this movie more times than probably any other movie, even the Blues Brothers. There was a period of time where it was on TV every day and I watched it every day. I love how confused and awkward Marty is at times. Also his orange jacket thing.

Best Line: “You’re not going to pick a fight dad!…. Dad?… Dad…..Daddio.”

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Movie of the Week: Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters (1984)


Director: Ivan Reitman

Starring: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Ernie Hudson

Written by: Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis

Music: Elmer Bernstein

Producer: Ivan Reitman


A few days ago I was in a class of about 60 people who ranged from the ages of about 17-55. The instructor of the class was going over some very important safety information. He reached a point in his PowerPoint where he had several numbers listed of places to call in case of specific emergencies. After going over the numbers several times to really drive home the point of memorizing the numbers he then, very seriously, asked the class, “so who are you going to call?” Without fail the entire class responded in unison “Ghostbusters!” He then sighed, ignored us and kept going on with the important information. He wasn’t impressed. I on the other hand thought it was extremely entertaining. I was happy to see that Ghostbusters really is a film that transcends generations and it’s such a huge pop culture reference that everyone knows.

Ghostbusters is a comedy about a couple of out of work scientists who, due to the recent outbreak of paranormal activity in New York City (it’s always New York City), start an agency to capture the roaming vapors. As it generally does, chaos ensues. Disasters of biblical proportions (dogs and cats, living together! Mass hysteria!), crossing streams, giant stay puff marshmallow men,  you know, real wrath-of-God type stuff.

Ghostbusters is one of my favorite comedies of all time. I could write an entire post on the “throwaway lines” alone (don’t doubt I won’t one day). Most of which are said by the always zany and lovable Bill Murray.

On a side note I was once asked that if I could invite anyone in the world to dinner who would it be. My response was Bill Murray. My friends thought that was ridiculous and still make fun of me about that to this day, but I stand by my answer! Bill Murray is awesome.

I have heard Ghostbusters discreetly referenced dozens of times. Sometimes they are so subtle that, unless you have memorized the movie like I and many other Ghostbusters fanatics have, you wouldn’t even pick it up.

So if you haven’t seen Ghostbuster I urge you to go out and see it. It is a film that is loved and adored by all ages or people from all over the world. You wont be disappointed, unless busing ghost doesn’t make you feel good, then I cant really help you there.

Cue Bill Murray: “We came, we saw, we kicked its ass!”