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Friday Night Netflix Pick: The Trip

The Trip (2010)

Ok, so two guys (just friends) in their late forties go on a road trip together in northern England with the purpose of going to different fancy restaurants to eat  ridiculously fancy food. One guy is married the other guy is single. They drive around, they eat food, sometimes theyThe Trip Blog walk, and they talk a lot. Basically it sounds like the most boring film of all time, but it’s not. I failed to mention that those two guys are Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon and it’s a  a mockumentary. Well now that changes everything.

Everyone has that one really good friend that they are just on the same level with. You know, you two are such good friends that you can be blatantly sarcastic and make fun of each other and other random stuff just for laughs? This is what this film is like except way funnier because let’s face it, Steve and Rob are professional and we are not. You always think you’re funny until you see someone else who is actually funny and then you realize how unfunny you really are. Luckily my best friends thinks that puns about fruit are funny, so I’m hilarious.

Lot’s of hilarity ensues during the entirety of this film. Steve Coogan does this whole bit in a graveyard about what he would say at Rob Brydon’s funeral. Oh, and before I forget I must warn you, there are a lot of Michael Caine impressions in this film. Like a lot. If those offend you I would not suggest watching this movie.

The Trip was released as a TV series in 2010 but in 2011 it was edited together to make a full film and that is what will see on Netflix. The next series will come out later in 2014 and it will be set in Italy. You’re excited. I can tell.

So go watch The Trip because it’s Friday night and sitting on the couch is so much easier than anything else you could possibly do.



At first I was extremely hesitant to watch this show. What’s new? I usually go through some strange depression when I’m done binge watching a show. Ever since Netflix has come around (ruined my GPA) I feel like binge watching TV shows is something that more and more people are doing these days and (as I’ve said many times before) I am a big offender of doing this. About a year ago I caught myself in a serious post Supernatural depression. I had finally caught up to the current season. All MV5BNTA2MTE1NDI5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzM2MzU3Nw@@._V1._SX640_SY791_100+ episodes in a very short period of time. My feelings over Sam, Dean, Castile and the whole Supernatural crew just brought me down and made me feel like I was wandering around in Purgatory somewhere (save me Benny!). As I usually do, I refused to watch anything else. I said things like, “I’ll never love another show as much as I love that show.” (Note I had just said that pre-Supernatural about Mad Men. Make up your mind lady!)

My friend suggested I watch Sherlock and I was uninterested. I had read all the Arthur Conan Doyle novels and have seen a majority of the television and film adaptations of the character. I have even listened to a lot of tapings of old radio mysteries based on the Sherlock Holmes character. Being the Sherlock purist I thought I was, I really didn’t want to see a modern day interpretation of my beloved detective. But eventually one day due to my love of Doctor Who and the fact that Steven Moffat was involved with Sherlock, I though “uggg might as well give it a try.”

Basically there are only 2 series consisting of there episodes each (yes I know that means there are only 6 episodes. I can do math) all episodes equating to about an hour and a half each. When I sat down to watch the show for the first time I didn’t realize the episodes were so long. I kept wondering when are they going to cut it and leave me hanging, but they never did. The episodes are longer than your typical TV show. So fair warning if your going to watch Sherlock, make sure you have time (I was caught in a similar situation when I watched the pilot episode of Twin Peaks. 2 hours!?!?! And I still didn’t know who killed Laura Palmer until season 2!!!!!)

So now that I’ve bitched for several paragraphs you’re probably thinking, “why is she talking about this if she doesn’t even like the show.” Hold your horses man, I was just setting up the scene for you!

I won’t go into explaining the plot because unless you’ve been hiding under a rock since  1887 you probably know what the story is about. Two men, a doctor and a super detective galavant around England and solve all sorts of crimes that baffle the police but are no problem for the ultra aware brain of the great Mr. Holmes.

I would like to start off (start off? your already 500 words in) by saying that Benedict Cumberbatch is an AMAZING Sherlock. At this point I have watched every episode about 5 times and he captivates me every single time. He is  exactly how I would picture modern day Sherlock to be. In fact until Sherlock sends a text message I sometimes forget that the show is set in the present. Martin Freeman also does a fantastic job of playing a lovable version of sherlock-02Dr. Watson. I have never seen an adaptation of the characters where I felt such a nagging urge to just give Dr. Watson a hug (I think it’s his eyes).

The writing in this show is what is most remarkable to me. They intertwine a lot of aspects of the stories from the novels and yet they modernize them, but not in a cheesy way that makes you go, “aghhh fourth graders could have done that!” The writers make the stories their own and still give us readers of the novels something to go “OHHHH! That’s a reference to something from the books!” There is nothing better than making your audience feel intelligent.

If you have no interest in the character that is Sherlock Holmes I firmly believe that you can still enjoy this show. The mysteries are genuinely clever and intriguing. There’s many hilarious dry remarks and quips between characters for those who like comedy and there are even hints of romantic pursuits and endearing friendships for those who care about relationships.

If you’re doubtful about Sherlock, don’t be. I have put this show to the ultimate test. I made my dad watch it and he actually sat through the entire pilot episode (that is unheard of). Not only that but one day he asked me if we could watch the second episode. Yeah this show is that good. Give it a chance. Don’t be an Anderson. (See you would have gotten that reference if you watched the show. Stop missing out on my pop culture references damn it!)