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Friday Night Netflix Pick: The Trip

The Trip (2010)

Ok, so two guys (just friends) in their late forties go on a road trip together in northern England with the purpose of going to different fancy restaurants to eat  ridiculously fancy food. One guy is married the other guy is single. They drive around, they eat food, sometimes theyThe Trip Blog walk, and they talk a lot. Basically it sounds like the most boring film of all time, but it’s not. I failed to mention that those two guys are Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon and it’s a  a mockumentary. Well now that changes everything.

Everyone has that one really good friend that they are just on the same level with. You know, you two are such good friends that you can be blatantly sarcastic and make fun of each other and other random stuff just for laughs? This is what this film is like except way funnier because let’s face it, Steve and Rob are professional and we are not. You always think you’re funny until you see someone else who is actually funny and then you realize how unfunny you really are. Luckily my best friends thinks that puns about fruit are funny, so I’m hilarious.

Lot’s of hilarity ensues during the entirety of this film. Steve Coogan does this whole bit in a graveyard about what he would say at Rob Brydon’s funeral. Oh, and before I forget I must warn you, there are a lot of Michael Caine impressions in this film. Like a lot. If those offend you I would not suggest watching this movie.

The Trip was released as a TV series in 2010 but in 2011 it was edited together to make a full film and that is what will see on Netflix. The next series will come out later in 2014 and it will be set in Italy. You’re excited. I can tell.

So go watch The Trip because it’s Friday night and sitting on the couch is so much easier than anything else you could possibly do.